Welcome address:
8:30-9:00 – Luc Buée and RCF representative
9:00-11:00 Session 1 (Chairs: A. Rovelet-Lecrux & J. Attems)
- 9:00 – Anne Rovelet-Lecrux (France) Clinical and neuropathological diversity of tauopathy in MAPT duplication carriers
- 9:10 – Roberto Simone – Rohan de Silva (UK) Natural antisense transcripts containing an embedded mammalian-wide interspersed repeat repress MAPT translation and aid proteostasis in neurodegeneration
- 9:20 – Johannes Attems (UK) Tau in ageing/ AD/ PART and frontotemporal lobar degeneration
- 9:35 – Tiago Gil Oliveira (Portugal) Primary age-related tauopathy (PART) and Alzheimer’s disease show differential magnetic resonance imaging atrophy patterns
- 9:45 – Bernard Hanseeuw (Belgium) [F18]-MK6240 positron emission tomography to image tau aggregates in Alzheimer’s disease and other tauopathies
- 9:55 – Ruiqing Ni (Switzerland) High-resolution non-invasive whole brain optoacoustic tomography imaging of tau in P301L tauopathy mice
- 10:05 – Eugeen Vanmechelen (Belgium) Two plasma p-tau SIMOA-based assays using a shared synthetic calibrator peptide for detection of AD pathology
- 10:15 – Pieter J Visser (The Netherlands) Cerebrospinal fluid tau levels are associated with abnormal neuronal plasticity processes in AD
- 10:25 Questions
- 10:40 Flash-talks
- Georgie Lines (UK) Investigating proteostasis in development and disease using iPSC-neurons with MAPT mutations linked to FTD
- Isabelle Paiva (France) Dysregulation of the cholesterol pathway laters epigenomic signatures of hippocampal neurons in AD
- Engie Prifti (Greece) The two cysteine residues of tau protein are functionally distinct and contribute differentially to its pathogenicity in vivo
11:00-11:30 Coffee break
11:30-13:00 Rainwater Prize ceremony
- 11:30 – Introduction
- 11:35 – Richard Carmona – Prize overview
- 11:50 – Philippe Amouyel (Chairperson: L Buée) – JPND & European funding for NDD
- 12:15 – Celeste Karch, Rainwater Prize for Innovative Early Career Scientist (Chair: Leonard Petrucelli)
- 12:30 – David Holtzman, Rainwater Prize forOutstanding Innovation in Neurodegenerative Disease Research (Chairperson: Howard Feldman)
- 12:45 – Todd Rainwater thanks winners, nominators, scientists
- 12:55 – Amy Rommel – About prize & nominations open
- 12:59 – Luc Buee closes the Rainwater Ceremony

13:00-14:15 Lunch & Poster exhibition
14:15-16:00 Session 2 (Chairs: A. Rommel & L. Buée)
- 14:15 – David Holtzman, 2020 Rainwater Prize forOutstanding Innovation in Neurodegenerative Disease Research (USA)
- 14:35 – Michel Goedert, 2019 Rainwater Prize forOutstanding Innovation in Neurodegenerative Disease Research (UK) Cryo-EM structures of amyloid filaments from human brain
- 14:55 – Celeste Karch, 2020 Rainwater Prize for Innovative Early Career Scientist (USA) Molecular and cellular drivers of tauopathy
- 15:15 – Mathieu Bourdenx (France) Chaperone-mediated autophagy: a gatekeeper of neuronal proteostasis
- 15:25 – Wiep Scheper (The Netherlands) Cell type-specific proteostatic responses to tau pathology
- 15:35 – Lukasz A Joachimiak (USA) DnaJC7 binds natively forlded structural elements in tau to inhibit amyloid formation
- 15:45 – Questions
16:00-16:30 Coffee break
16:30-18:15 Session 3 (Chairs: I. Landrieu & Y. Fichou)
- 16:30 – Illana Gozes (Israel) Novel insights to ADNP/NA/Tau protein interactions dictating brain development and aging
- 16:40 – Cláudio M. Gomes (Portugal) Dynamic interactions and Ca2+-binding modulate the chaperone activity of S100B preventing tau aggregation and seeding
- 16:50 – Romain La Rocca (France) Three zinc binding sites of Tau and their role in tau aggregation
- 17:00 – Amandine Grimm (Switzerland) Abnormal tau protein disturbs the endoplasmic reticulum – mitochondria coupling and intracellular cholesterol homeostasis
- 17:10 – Yann Fichou (France) Tau intertwines with cofactors: how it modulates complex phase separation, oligomerization & aggregation properties
- 17:20 – Marina Rierola (Germany) Tau shapes microtubule-dependent transport in the dendrites
- 17:30 – Laura Vallés Saiz (Spain) Tau expression in the kidney: cell distribution and physiological function
- 17:40 – Marie Galas (France) Revisiting the link between tau and the neuronal cell cycle in Alzheimer’s disease: an unexpected role for nuclear tau
- 17:50 – Mahmoud Maina (UK / USA) The involvement of Tau in nucleolar function and stress response
- 18:00 – Questions
18:15-20:00 Rainwater Prize reception (OPEN to all Eurotau participants)